How to say “no” without damaging your reputation at work

How to say “no” without damaging your reputation at work

For people who rarely say no to anyone, it can be particularly difficult the first few times. What you’ll find, however, is that people will develop a healthy respect for you and your role if you’re able to confidently and calmly say no when appropriate.

Eye in the sky: How can satellites help to combat rising global pesticide usage?

Eye in the sky: How can satellites help to combat rising global pesticide usage?

In the growing field of satellite technology in precision agriculture, it seems we’ve only begun to scratch the surface of new possibilities as the information beamed down from these man made heavenly bodies becomes more available and affordable.

Growing food from big data: How the Internet of Things will revolutionise farm productivity

Growing food from big data: How the Internet of Things will revolutionise farm productivity

With the UN predicting that food production will need to increase by 70% before 2050 to cope with an additional 2.3 billion people, the uptake of IoT technology in agriculture could be a key part of the solution for feeding a growing planet.